Treasure Hunt

 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

Meet Forrest Fenn:

Forrest Fenn Hid A Treasure Chest Worth Millions In The Rockies — And People Have Died Looking For It
Meet Forrest Fenn. As this news heading reads: he is a millionaire who hid a treasure worth three million dollars in an undisclosed location within this mapped area. The only clues are the poem accompanying the map, which represents a large area from nearly the Canadian border in the north to  New Mexico in the south. Take a look. Dissect the poem. Could you find where the treasure is? Would you give your life, as others have done in the heading above, to find it? Forrest says dying to find the treasure isn't necessary. He didn't put it in a hard to find spot. In fact, he placed it in its location in one afternoon, making three separate trips off the road to his car to get its massive contents to their chosen location. But where is it? No one knows. Literally. No one, as of today, has found the treasure. Thousands have attempted. Some have died. Hundreds have studied the life of Forrest Fenn to narrow their search. Still...nothing.
I'd never heard the name Forrest Fenn in all my 41 years until this past spring. A co-worker walked into my office and announced she was going to be the first to find his treasure. After a few inquiries, and some prodding, she gave me the information you've read up to this point. She had read every book Fenn has ever written, studied his poem time and time again, even delved into his innermost childhood memories, and she was sure this treasure was in a particular spot she had found near Yellowstone National Park, a place Fenn loved to visit as a child. She was planning her summer vacation around hopes of finding Fenn's treasure; certain she knew where it was, and even if she didn't she was going to have a wonderful time exploring and adventuring with her family to find it. I liked her perspective and wondered Will she be the one?

Fast forward to the fall, back at the office. I haven't seen her in months, but I had to know..."So, did you find the treasure?" She didn't skip a beat, act disappointed, or bat an eye. "Nope." That was it. I didn't prod. She didn't go into details. But it did get me wondering about this whole experience and how it relates to what we are told is true treasure.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18

Is the treasure Christ promises us as hard to find as Fenn's? How many books do we need to study to narrow down our search? Do people take the time to read The Book with the answers, or do they prefer books of humanity with treasure of gold and silver for their own fleshly desires? Would people rather sacrifice their bodies for a treasure they may find that will temporarily make them "happy," or would they give their lives to bring others to the One in whom true treasure can be found? 

I spent much of my summer noticing where people, and myself, place treasure. It is quite convicting how much we place in the "seen," and how easy it is to allow the "unseen" (true treasure) to slip our thoughts and intentions: vacations, rings for wedding engagements, sporting events, workaholics, concerts, elaborate vacations, partying with great friends and empty smiles, the latest clothes, the darkest tan, the most fit body. These are all observations of misplaced treasure. 

I attempted to reconcile this Forrest Fenn guy and his idea of hiding this treasure with the many ways humans go after treasure in the world of things they can see, taste, and feel. As my own summer passed with hikes, road trips, and quality family time I continued to juxtapose Fenn with Jesus and what his Word says about treasure. Out of these thoughts spill forth this blog.

"If you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:4-5

This verse tells us there is a hidden treasure, unseen. Unlike Fenn's treasure, this treasure can actually be found by whomever seeks it. This treasure yields great reward of not only fearing God (this would be a healthy fear and reverence for His sovereignty - not a mean, finger pointing, mad God), but also knowing Him. This isn't just a knowing about Him, but an intimate knowing of who He is in the deeper recesses of His character; like a husband and a wife "know" one another. Treasure indeed!

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matthew 13:44

Similar to Fenn, this heavenly treasure we find in Christ is, again, hidden. Also, it is worth such a great price that it's worth leaving all else behind to find. It is worth losing everything for. Contrast this to Fenn. People are definitely giving everything to find his hidden treasure. As the article heading read, some their lives. This hidden treasure Christ boasts of is much different. Rather than us giving our lives, Jesus gave His. He initiated the relationship by giving His life first. I'd say that's a pretty good way to start a friendship. Out of our gratitude for His sacrifice to cover our sins, we, in turn give all we have so others may come to know and understand this amazing love.

"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:17-19

There isn't anything wrong with being rich and having treasure in this present world, just realize it's temporary, fluctuating, uncertain, and fickle. Instead, we want to burrow into a solid foundation of true riches in Christ. He, and He alone, provides us with all we need - not our own, self-attained wealth. By loving God above all else and our neighbors as ourselves (out of a heart of gratitude for all He has done for us) we are the truly rich ones, with riches that last an eternity. The unseen riches of Christ, given to us in 101 verses of the Bible, are the ones that hold true life, true joy, and the type of happiness the world attempts to gain by searching high and low in the rotting, dirty recesses of the treasure chest of this earth. 

Genuine treasure is unseen and can only be found in the One who gave it all to give us an eternal, unending treasure chest of riches. Stop looking for outside treasure that can only bring temporary joy. Instead, seek the Lord with all your heart. He will not keep His face hidden from you. He is not impossible to find. He makes it quite easy. In fact, as easy as A, B, C: Admit you are a sinner, Believe Jesus died to save you from those sins, and Confess Him as your Lord and Savior all the days of your life. 


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