The Zodiac and the Gospel - Chapter 2 Libra


Corresponds with the tribe of Levi
Hebrew - mohz HAH yeem - meaning the scales; weighing

This constellation corresponds with weighing and measuring that comes from the picture depicted in the scales. The Arabic word for this constellation means purchase or redemption, while the Latin word, libra, means weighing. 
"Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with His fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?" Isaiah 40:12
When Daniel was called to read the writing on the wall in Daniel 5:27 it says, "Tekel means 'weighed' -- you have een weighed on the balances and have not measured up."

We have been weighed and found wanting. We have been separated from God by our sins. There is no amount of good works we can do to outweigh the power of sin over us. Jesus is the only one who can not only balance the scales, but actually tip them in our favor with is grace. The trials in life that weigh us down can be lifted by giving it to the One who holds everything in His hands.

This constellation has a deacon that has appeared, disappeared, and reappeared at different times throughout history in the southern hemisphere. Its name is the Southern Cross. Its significance is for the cross of Jesus which balances the scales. It points us to a price deficient, a price that covers, and the price of conflict.

Southern Cross deacon stars


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