Proverbs 31 - I Hate Sewing (Proverbs 31 Conclusion)

I Am Not a Fan Of Sewing:
One of the attributes most discussed in Proverbs 31 is sewing and clothing. While most women like to shop for clothes and look good, not all of them like to sew as alluded to in this chapter. Much focus is given to how resourceful she is with what she has been given. "She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber. She makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants." verses 13, 19, and & 24. The point here is she is staying active and busy contributing income to her family. While these verses focus on her role outside the home, when it comes to her role inside the home the verses are very different.

It Feels Thankless:
The verses referencing this wife inside the home are more focused on what she wears and her family's needs being taken care of. "She has no fear of winter for her household, for everyone has warm clothes. She makes her own bedspreads." verses 21&22. I kept asking the Lord why these verses were included in this chapter. They seem relatively insignificant compared to all that could have been included here about a wife. So why these? I still don't really know, but the general principle seems to be that she is taking care of her household so their most basic needs are met. A tad bit more allegorically, she is keeping everyone warm and comfortable. 

Sometimes tirelessly working and staying busy in the background to take care of our family's needs is a thankless job. We give, cook, clean, shop, wash laundry, volunteer time, encourage, chauffeur, and any other duties that help our families run efficiently. If we aren't guarded, our flesh subtly derails our hearts. Soon, our focus changes from ministering to our families for God to a heart of resentment and bitterness. We become selfish. The duties we once fulfilled as gifts and contributions to our family start to feel more like chores and obligations. Once this shift occurs we are robbed of the joy God has for us as we walk with Him and depend on Him to help meet our family's needs. At this point, it is key to ask for forgiveness and jump back into right relationship with Him.

The last verse of this chapter reassures us that there will be a reward for all we have done, and our deeds will publicly declare our praise - verse 31. So we can take heart than when we feel no one notices all we do in the background, God sees and knows. He has great rewards for our faithfulness in how we minister to our families.

What Does She Wear?:
"She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future" verses 22b & 25. I really love these verses because they speak to me while deeply convicting me. She clothes herself in purple, the color of royalty. This woman understands she is a daughter of The Most High King. She devotes and dedicates her life first and foremost to Jesus Christ as she stands firmly in her position of royalty; the rest of her life flows from her purple, clothed stance. Jesus is her royal covering. She is safe underneath the security He provides. His strength becomes her strength as He covers over her. His dignity becomes her dignity as he drapes Himself over all corners of her character. With this kind of security it's no wonder she can "laugh without fear of the future."

On a Deeper Level:
We may not all be called to sew, but we are called to stay busy and contribute to our family's income and needs. This notion of sewing may have been a necessity 700 years before the birth of Christ when the book of Proverbs was written, but it's not as necessary in most modern societies - thank goodness!

The Lord spoke powerfully to my heart about this notion of sewing. He impressed upon me that as women of God we need to constantly be dependent upon Him to sew into our souls the fruits of the Spirit, virtue, strength, dignity, work ethic, consistency, efficiency, and encouragement. It is only by Holy Spirit power that we can access the best of these attributes and grow in our character. As He sews His truth and person into our souls we become equipped to pour into our family and overflow onto others as we, "extend a helping hand to the poor and open our arms to the needy" verse 20. This daily surrender to clothing ourselves in His purple gown brings forth so much natural fruit and so many natural blessings such as:"When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness, ...she suffers nothing from laziness, her children stand and bless her, and her husband praises her" verses 26-28. I can't think of better blessings and rewards.

Final Conclusion of Proverbs 31:
Thank you so much for taking part in these devotions. I hope they have given you something to think and pray about as you grow in the Lord either as a wife or a wife-to-be.

I don't happen to believe these verses are just for wives. This chapter addresses the bride fit for a King. The bride of Christ is the church; therefore all believers need to do their part to care for the household and family of The Savior. Men and women alike all have a role in playing their part to make "her husband well known at the city gates..." verse 23. As we care for one another we pour our lives out for the King and make Him known and famous in the hearts and lives of those around us.

Let the final verses of this powerful chapter encourage you, Church:
"There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all! Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised" verses 29-30.


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