Divine Wisdom

"In this world there are poor little rich people, and rich little poor people."

I was making my way across town a month ago when I heard a woman named Jill Briscoe on my favorite talk Christian radio station. Honestly, I was tuning the entire program out until I heard her say these words, "In this world there are poor little rich people and rich little poor people." She had my attention. She went on to answer many questions such as: What makes us truly rich, and what constitutes poor? Is it possible to be rich in material possessions and poor in spirit? Is it a reality that there are many people living in poverty who are, in all actuality, really rich in spirit?


Now for some personal tales from this crazy, foolish, "poor little rich girl" with no human wisdom whatsoever.

I sat across from my high school friend downing unlimited chips, salsa, and water. We always had a knack for picking up where we left off, and this day was no different. Although it had been several years since we'd connected, we went on and on about our lives as if a day had hardly passed. Then she got to the real reason for that day's date; she was separating from her husband. What? They'd been together since we were in high school.

After the initial shock wore off I listened intently as she poured over the adultery, the acting out of their children, the sleepless nights, and all the hurt, dysfunction and mistrust that follows this sort of sin. I was fully engrossed when she unexpectedly asked me, "So what should I do?" No! Not that question (I think people sometimes assume since I've been through a separation and divorce I'm an expert...not so much).

After I stared at her blankly for what seemed like an eternity, I wiped the salsa from my lips and silently asked God what to say. I basically told her that I can only speak from my own personal experience, and I knew restoration was possible. I told her as much as he'd wronged her she needed to go to him and apologize for her part in the problems they were having, even if it was 2%. I went on to say God never told us it would be easy, and she needed to pray for her husband. It was possible to get back into a place of submission to him as her husband the head over her.

That was it...She was gone. I'd completely lost her, and she was fuming mad. Obviously I'd said something that didn't exactly give her warm fuzzies. It was clear we weren't navigating under the same compass as lunch abruptly ended.  She inhaled her lunch, threw down some cash, and left.

At this time, my friend was a major financial planner over the biggest city in her state. She made tons of money and was, no question, rich by the world's standards. But at that moment, she was a "poor little rich person." The very things that made her so secure by the world's standards offered her nothing when the wisdom of Jesus is what she needed the most.

This isn't exactly my story to tell, so I will keep it brief and to the point of tonight's blog.

Fifteen years ago my parents were getting ready to retire with big plans of dusting off their old hobbies and dreams and turning them into a reality. They were to embark on amazing adventures when their lives came to a screeching halt. They were put in a situation where they had to choose whether or not they would be willing to set the life of ease and retirement aside to raise their two granddaughters (ages 2 and 8 months). They were in their late 40's by this time and making more money than they had in their entire lives. What were they to do?

As believers in Jesus what else could they do? They picked up their cross and followed The Way. They put the alluring worldly desires of their hearts aside to do the right thing. Did they want to? Not at first. Did they have a choice? Of course. Could they have said no? Yup, but I'm not sure they could've called themselves followers of Jesus knowing they walked away from their orphaned grandchildren.

In the end, they made a lifetime commitment to be parents to those two little girls who are now close to graduating high school. It is an understatement to say it hasn't been easy. Most of their friends walked away as their lives of leisure suddenly didn't lend themselves to annoying little children and self-sacrifice. This decision was made with nothing less than supernatural wisdom that comes from the One who is the essence of wisdom itself.

I was working for Progressive Insurance as a claims adjuster in Northern Idaho. I'd agreed to be transferred there before I realized my husband was going to propose. Shortly after my arrival, a peer adjuster asked me why I always had Christian talk radio on in the company car. I proceeded to tell her all about how I'd been listening to a really great program about the rapture last time I'd gone out to assess the damage on a Dodge Neon. She asked me, "What's the rapture."

Beings that eschatology was the very thing that brought me to the feet of Jesus, I proceeded to go into waaaaay too much detail about waaaaaay to many things waaaaay too soon (I was young and excited; what can I say?). Once I'd finally puked out everything from the bowl judgement, to the red heifer, and even the abomination of desolation, she just stared at me with her mouth open. I will never forget the look on her face as a blank stare froze on a non-blinking face.

Had I said too much? Yes. Was that the right time or place? Probably not. All of this to make a point of what tonight's text is referring.

Why does the world sit and watch Christians make what appears to be one foolish decision after another? Why are the decisions of Christians so counter-cultural? What is it that guides them and gives them this 'foolish wisdom'?

I'm going to finish blogging on 1 Corinthians 1. This time I'm going to write on verses 18-31. The entire section talks about, "The message of the cross is foolishness to people who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God." In this part of Scripture God tells us that He will "destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent." He asks us to think about those words, then turns around and asks us "where does that leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world's brilliant?" He should ask us that; after all these types of people are the ones our flesh is drawn to. Something about smart, take-charge people makes us feel more safe and secure, doesn't it? It makes us feel good when someone has a philosophy that seemingly provides answers. Our carnal spirits rest, in a sense, when we can trust that someone else has it all figured out. Unfortunately, this is as good as the wisdom of the world gets; really smart, rich people who think they have it all figured out...then they DIE!

Oh...but wait...

"God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish." (verse 20b) If you are like me you might be asking yourself how He did that. "He made it impossible for the world to know Him through human wisdom." It goes on to say His wisdom is complete and utter foolishness to people who are "looking for a sign," those who "seek human wisdom," or those who are offended at the name or preaching of Jesus Christ. These people say to themselves and others, "This whole 'Jesus thing' nonsense." Do you know anyone like that?

I guess we shouldn't be surprised when people think we are crazy. God told us they would. We shouldn't be surprised when people say that they want nothing to do with Jesus; it's clear they are blinded by the wisdom only this dying world can offer. Even the greatest of human wisdom is small and pathetic, that's what God is saying.

Then verse 24 starts out with a big...fat...BUT...

"BUT to those called by God to salvation...Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God's weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength." (That part was underlined in my Bible, so I thought I'd underline it for ya here too).

Pretty much He's saying Jesus is utter craziness to those who function and operate under human wisdom; and do you know who these people are? That's right, more often than not they are "poor little rich people." Folks who don't have to depend on God for one need to be met because they know where their next meal is coming from, their bills are paid, and they are their own wise god. That is us, America. No matter how many "rich little poor people" live under the red, white, and blue we are still more wealthy than most of the rest of the world.

We need to check ourselves and remember that "God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that were powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God."

I suppose every person has to decide which wisdom they will choose to follow? That of the scholars, philosophers and "rich little poor people," or that which seems foolish in the eyes of the world but gives life, peace and strength?

Have you given in to the human wisdom of this world, but the Lord has opened your eyes to see that it's all a worldly illusion? I have good news for you; it's not too late to turn from a "rich little poor person" to a "poor little rich person." God can do so much with a "poor little rich person;" humble and meek, yet rich in spirit and ready to live a life full of true fulfillment and satisfaction.

If this is your heart's desire, and you'd like to pray to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, you can. Just talk with Him. There's no right or wrong way to pray. He just wants to hear from your heart that you're ready to turn from your sin, give up being your own god, and walk with Him (whatever that may look like). If you choose to do this, find someone who you know is a real believer in Jesus and ask them to help you navigate as you start your amazing journey of getting to know Jesus as your personal Savior, redeemer, and friend. Welcome to the fams.


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