
Showing posts from January, 2018


"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." D.L. Moody "Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am,  who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself." Martin Luther King Jr. ________________________________________________________________________________ What does one do with this so called "life" thing? It really is the age old question, isn't it? If we've lived on this earth long enough, eventually we ask ourselves,  "What's the point of all this? What am I doing? Where am I going?" And most importantly, "Am I making a difference?" Today was a great day! You know, one of those days where you want to stand tall and proud on a mountain top (not too far from people) and scream at the top of your lungs the crazy awesome thing that has just happened to you. Then, as you wrap up your loud dissertation you look ...

Divine Wisdom

"In this world there are poor little rich people, and rich little poor people." I was making my way across town a month ago when I heard a woman named Jill Briscoe on my favorite talk Christian radio station. Honestly, I was tuning the entire program out until I heard her say these words, "In this world there are poor little rich people and rich little poor people." She had my attention. She went on to answer many questions such as: What makes us truly rich, and what constitutes poor? Is it possible to be rich in material possessions and poor in spirit? Is it a reality that there are many people living in poverty who are, in all actuality, really rich in spirit? ________________________________________________________________________________ Now for some personal tales from this crazy, foolish, "poor little rich girl" with no human wisdom whatsoever. CHIPS & SEPARATION: I sat across from my high school friend downing unlimited chips, salsa...