Worship a Worm?

"But I am a worm and not a man. I am scorned and despised by all." Psalm 22:6 In this passage, Jesus is calling himself a "tola'ath" worm. This is different than any other passage in the Bible that refers to a worm. All others use the word "rimmah" - meaning maggot. But the kind of worm Jesus call Himself, over 1,000 years before heading to the cross is the name for the scarlet or crimson worm. This crimson or scarlet worm was found in ancient Israel. When it was ready to bring forth the life of its young it attached itself to a piece of wood, usually a tree, but sometimes a stick or fence post. Nothing could cause this attachment to the wood to be severed - it was a strong, unmovable attachment. Once the bond was secure, the worm created a protective, scarlet shell to protect her babies prior to them hatching. It is now time for the babies to emerge. As they come forth they eat on their mother who has provided herself as a liv...