All Things New

Last night our oldest son's team took first place in a well-known basketball tournament in Idaho. It was exciting, exhausting, and exhilarating all at once! My amazing husband has spent the last four years coaching these hard-working young men; not only coaching, but also being their advocate, youth pastor, counselor, father figure, and friend. The boys, along with their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters have become like family to us. We have a pretty special thing going with this program and the people. But that is not why I'm blogging. The date last night was December 30, 2017. The nostalgia of the date hit me suddenly as we settled into our Honda Pilot headed down Interstate 84, Wendy's frosties in hand. On this exact date, seven years earlier, my husband and I's divorce was finalized. We had been married six years (the number of man) when Satan decided to creep in on our marriage and family, ripping it apart from the inside ou...